Prancing Unicorn Resort & Recreation
Sale has ended. See you at the event!
All registration for discounted tickets has ended.
As all attendees are participants, register and tell us how you are helping to co-create the event, and you can reserve a $50 discounted ticket. It's not necessary to register to attend the event.
DJs Submission
Stage 1- Main Stage
Vibe - a mix of past , present & future innovative music that pushes the genres forward, as curated by Allen Oh​
Stage 2- The Underground
Vibe - 80s, 90s, 00s Underground.... from House, Techno, Breaks, Drum n Bass, all vinyl analog, as curated by Dennis Lowrey
Stage 3- Sacred Space
Vibe - chill, ecstatic dance, world beat, flow movement
General Registration for Participants
Performers (Dancers, fire spinners, performance artists, etc) / Workshop Facilitators (dance, yoga, arts & crafts, etc.) / Service Providers (food, bodywork / Volunteer (gate, security, first aide, build, set up, clean up)
Theme Camps
Register your theme camp and the entire camp will get discounted tickets. Theme camps must provide a service. Limited to 15 members per camp. We will reserve spaces for invited theme camps.
Low Income
We reserve a limited number of $35 tickets for low income participants. Apply here.