Since it's going to be a wet cold week in the PNW, plus the fact that the 3rd wave of Covid-19 is crashing down on the country, I'm not expecting too much for the first official Monthly Burn Week (which will be renamed as Member's Week)
The weather will be motivation to get going on the PURRADOME project and complete it as quickly as I can.
This week, I'm hunkering down and concentrating on designing and testing the best way to fabricate the greenhouse panels for the PURRADOME. I have some ideas and will play around with them. My goal is to figure out the easiest process to quickly produce durable panels out of inexpensive materials (wooden pallets and greenhouse film) in bulk.
I'm planning to coordinate a work party (following social distancing protocols) next weekend (Nov 21, 10 AM) to assemble the panels. Let me know if you would like to drop by to help. Sign up here. We will be breaking down pallets, making triangle frames, and sewing greenhouse films. PURR will provide music, food and drinks. Free camping for the weekend if you are participating in the work party.
Banshell Stage
I'm in talk with Seattle Park Services to arrange for the delivery of The Banshell Stage to PURR. They have agreed to pay for the cost of pick up and transportation. We just need to rent a forklift and get a crew together to unload. Drop off dates are possibly in the week of Dec 14-18 or Dec 28 - Jan 1. Anyone know how to operate a forklift?
Other Projects
All other projects are in queue for the new year.
Website Updates
The forum is set up on our website (www.prancingunicorn.org). It's secured and private. You need to be site member as well as given pass permission to enter, browse and post. Since some of our members do not use FB, I have set up the forum to facilitate internal communications.